Write a letter to your elder brother suggesting him to apply safety measure while brusting crackers
dear brother,
this letter is for your safety while bursting Diwali crackers. I know that you have been enjoying bursting them but being careful is better.
If shooting off firecrackers is a tradition in your family, you need to take extra care of the kids. The small children get involved in burning firecrackers as they love to have fun. Most of the stunning firecrackers are good for adults only, it’s possible for your kids to get involved in a safe way.
Adult supervision is a must when it comes to burning firecrackers. Kids of all the age groups should be explained about fire safety rules. When the children enjoy burning crackers, adults should not leave them alone. At least one adult member should be present at the place where kids use firecrackers. Make sure that the crackers are burnt in open areas as it can be risky to light and burn them at closed spaces or homes.