Environmental Sciences, asked by shraddha749, 6 months ago

write a letter to your friend trying to convince him to quit it by explaining the harsh effects of drug


Answered by XxHATERxX



✳️write a letter to your friend trying to convince him to quit it by explaining the harsh effects of drug


Dear; Shiddharth

Hii!how are you ? I hope everything is going well . I got to know that you are addicted to drugs that is why I'm writing this letter

Most people who take their pain medicine as directed by their doctor do not become addicted, even if they take the medicine for a long time. Fears about addiction should not prevent you from using narcotics to relieve your pain.

The drugs that may be addictive target your brain’s reward system. They flood your brain with a chemical called dopamine. This triggers a feeling of intense pleasure. You keep taking the drug to chase that high. So after knowing this I hope you will stop using drugs it is not good and can destroy every part of body and stop it's functions

Give regards to your Mom,dad and your small brother

Your loving friend,



hope you appreciate this ans

Answered by Jasleen0599

Address: XYZ


Dear friend,

  • There won't be a remedy if there isn't awareness of the issue. Make sure your friend is aware that drug abuse is a serious issue by being open and honest with them about your assessment of the situation.
  • Help them maintain their attention on constructive objectives devoid of drug use. Don't turn your back on your friend when they make a mistake; it will probably take some time for them to make things right. Instead, encourage and recognise the good things they do and accomplish.
  • Be specific in your messages to them and don't be afraid to express your own emotions in a composed manner. In fact, expressing your feelings is frequently a smart place to start. Tell your loved one how you feel and what's on your mind.
  • Rug abuse is the intentional use of alcohol, an illicit substance, or a medication in a dangerous manner. Addiction can result from drug use.
  • Losing control over your drug use is a sign of addiction. or losing the ability to discern when or how to stop.
  • Abuse of alcohol or drugs is the precursor to addiction. Alcohol and drugs alter how the brain normally functions. However, they can have a lasting impact on the brain. The brain undergoes changes that can eventually cause drug and alcohol abuse to develop into addiction.
  • Addiction can be either psychologically, physically, or both.
  • Talking about drugs can be challenging, particularly if you believe a friend or relative of yours may be struggling.
  • Keep an open mind and keep in mind that, with the correct assistance and encouragement, the majority of users are able to kick their habit before any lasting harm is done. Additionally, even if you do offer support, their behaviour might not improve.


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