English, asked by MohitKumar123456, 9 months ago

Write a letter within 100 words on any one of the following: 15 Marks
i) Your town suffers from long hours of loadshedding/ power cut. As a result, both health and
business is suffering. Write a letter to the Assistant Engineer (Electrical) of the PWD,
requesting him to look into the matter.


Answered by beast1508gamer


04 January 2018


The Navkar Housing Colony,

Kedari Nagar,



The Senior Official,

The State Electricity Board,



Subject - Complaint against frequent load shedding.

Respected Sir,

This is to inform you that, we, the people of Navkar housing society are facing a lot of issues related to power cuts. We are forced to live in darkness and without electricity for hours together. When we spoke to the electricity board on phone, they said the problem could be due to frequent load shedding.

Although we have made repeated attempts are placing complaints against this issue, no official has come down to help us out with it. The students and children are suffering the most.

Kindly help us out and please solve this issue for our colony.

Looking forward to a positive action.

Thanking you,


(Association In-charge - Navkar Housing Society)


Please mark as brainlist.....

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