write a marco to add the value 6 to a passed argument?
To illustrate a function that accepts arguments, we will write a macro that calculates the sum of its arguments that are positive—it will ignore arguments that are less than zero (see Listing 5).
Listing 5. PositiveSum calculates the sum of the positive arguments.
Function PositiveSum(Optional x)
Dim TheSum As Double
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
TheSum = 0.0
If NOT IsMissing(x) Then
If NOT IsArray(x) Then
If x > 0 Then TheSum = x
For iRow = LBound(x, 1) To UBound(x, 1)
For iCol = LBound(x, 2) To UBound(x, 2)
If x(iRow, iCol) > 0 Then TheSum = TheSum + x(iRow, iCol)
End If
End If
PositiveSum = TheSum
End Function
The macro in Listing 5 demonstrates a couple of important techniques.
The argument x is optional. If the argument is not optional and it is called without an argument, OOo prints a warning message every time the macro is called. If Calc calls the function many times, then the error is displayed many times.
IsMissing checks that an argument was passed before the argument is used.
IsArray checks to see if the argument is a single value, or an array. For example, =PositiveSum(7) or =PositiveSum(A4). In the first case, the number 7 is passed as an argument, and in the second case, the value of cell A4 is passed to the function.
If a range is passed to the function, it is passed as a two-dimensional array of values; for example, =PositiveSum(A2:B5). LBound and UBound are used to determine the array bounds that are used. Although the lower bound is one, it is considered safer to use LBound in case it changes in the future.
Tip.png The macro in Listing 5 is careful and checks to see if the argument is an array or a single argument. The macro does not verify that each value is numeric. You may be as careful as you desire. The more things you check, the more robust the macro is, and the slower it runs.
Passing one argument is as easy as passing two: add another argument to the function definition (see Listing 6). When calling a function with two arguments, separate the arguments with a semicolon; for example, =TestMax(3; -4).
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