Write a narrative essay about born or birth.
Fear of childbirth is universal. Because of the stories of bad experiences passed down for years, many women fear childbirth. As a result, many women do not believe in the power of their own bodies and often hand over control of their bodies to health-care professionals, resulting in unhappy childbirth experiences because of unnecessary intervention during labor and birth. As a pregnancy trainer who prepares pregnant women for childbirth, the author wrote her personal childbirth story with an autoethnographic narrative method. Her aim is to help motivate pregnant women preparing for childbirth, health-care professionals preparing those pregnant women, and birthing staff.
Keywords: autoethnography, childbirth story, childbirth educator
And the moment that I have been anticipating for days, months, and years even has come. I took a deep breath and pushed down my baby with own power while I followed my body. Before my breath finished, my baby came sliding out of me. While I exhaled, I quietly said that he is born. They put my son into my arms even before cutting his umbilical cord. He was warm, wet, soft, and smelled sweet. He screamed joyfully, and I thanked him repeatedly for giving me this wonderful experience. The doctors and nurses were looking on at that remarkable moment when our son joined our family, confused, happy, and teary eyed. They stared at us with questioning expressions because they had just watched a birth so vastly different from the fearful births they had witnessed in the past—fearfulness that resulted from the negative birth stories that have been handed down to women for years and have eroded their confidence and power regarding birth. How had it come to this?
Hi mate,
Here is your answer,
Birth is a way by which we enter this beautiful world,the mother earth.Birth is not only a great activity but it is a way in which how we first make an appearance of our own in this world.It has so much importance in our life.As if we go anywhere for a job or anything, we are repeatedly asking our birthdates.So,it has a vital importance as a human being.It is what we call it as "birth".Our mother gives birth to us.There are who are being well cared but they can't even see a single glimpse of this beautiful world.We also have to remember them.Maybe they are the assets of the upcoming generations.We will identify our mother,father, family and friends all by this birth.as a human being,we can't ditect only two things in the world that only God can tell that is "birth and death".It is in God's hands.So that much importance a birthdate has in our entire life.