Write a newspaper reporter to your friends.
Find the right reporters to become “friends” with.
While it’s great to build relationships with reporters, it’s important to connect with the ones who are a good fit for your brand. You can easily start this process by identifying who has covered your brand in the past or your competitors. Muck Rack is a less expensive media database that can help with this process. Then, make a list of 5-10 journalists, writers, and influencers who are a great fit for your brand, and start reaching out to them.
Follow them, Like, Comment, etc.
Engagement is about building relationships and being at the forefront of the reporter’s minds. Yes, you need to like their cat pics every once in a while! More importantly, following their social media channels will tell you what they’re interested in and what articles they’re working on. They also want you to share their articles to help them get readership. Remember their job is also measured just as much as yours is. The more you can help them, the happier they will be to help you. You’re building a two-way relationship.