Write a not on how industrial revolution led to imperialism and colonialism
A previous contributor has already discussed the economic incentives for imperialism. In addition to those points, however, it would also be worth discussing the ways in which imperialism actually enabled imperialism to proceed.
Be aware, when we call something a revolution, we tend to be referring to the dramatic turning points in history—for example, the Neolithic Revolution represented the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to agrarian ones; more recently, one can point towards the information revolution (microchips, the internet, etc: think how much the world has changed just within the last few decades). The Industrial Revolution, which represents the transition from an agrarian economy (based in agriculture) to an industrial economy, represents another one of those fundamental turning points. This dramatically increased the power which industrialized nations could exert.
Industrialization brought about technological advancement. One can observe this in the acceleration of weapons' technology through the nineteenth century and into the twentieth: the steam engine brought about a switch from wind powered navies to steam powered navies. Additionally, one can point towards advancements in artillery and firearms. Furthermore, one should consider advances in communications as well, particularly as they apply to logistics: for example, think about the practical applications of railroads, telegraph lines, steamships again, etc. Militarily, economically, politically: the effects of industrialization were extensive, and these impacts themselves had a major role in supporting and enabling imperial expansion.