Write a note about medicinal plant of lilliaceae family
Liliaceae Family
Liliaceae is the family of around 2500 species of perennial, herbaceous monocots. It is also known as the ‘lily family’. Its characteristics are discussed below.
Liliaceae Family Description
Characteristics of Liliaceae Family
Following are the important characteristics of the Liliaceae family.
Vegetative Characters
Root: Fibrous root system.
Stem: Erect; Liliaceae includes perennial herbs which propagate through bulbs or rhizomes.
Leaves: Alternate, simple; exstipulate; parallel venation.
Floral characters
Inflorescence: Cymose- solitary; umbellate clusters.
Flower: Complete, bisexual, actinomorphic; hypogynous, perianth present.
Perianth: Indistinctive sepal and petal; six tepals (3+3), often united tepals; valvate aestivation.
Androecium: Six stamens in two whorls (3+3).
Gynoecium: Syncarpous, tricarpellary, trilocular, superior ovary with axile placentation.
Fruit: Mostly Capsule and sometimes berry.
Seed: Endospermic seeds.