Write a note of the houses of penumakuru
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Penamakuru is a Village in Thotlavalluru Mandal in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Andhra region . It is located 41 KM towards west from District head quarters Machilipatnam. 3 KM from Thotlavalluru. 322 KM from State capital Hyderabad
Penamakuru Pin code is 521165 and postal head office is Vuyyuru . This Place is in the border of the Krishna District and Guntur District. Guntur District Kollipara is west towards this place .
Penamakuru Pin code is 521165 and postal head office is Vuyyuru . This Place is in the border of the Krishna District and Guntur District. Guntur District Kollipara is west towards this place .
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