Self-sufficiency is an important aspect that India as a nation has struggled with, and over the years this has been exhibited in various forms in varied arenas. Historically, India has had more imports than exports, resulting in a negative balance of payment. Due to this, India has attempted to curb its exports while at the same time tried to boost its domestic industry through varied measures. However, since GATT and WTO, India and other nations have been under pressure to ensure a level playing for domestic and foreign industries. Hence, India cannot openly discriminate against foreign companies. In a different manifestation, the Green Revolution was a measure undertaken to ensure India’s self-sufficiency in foodgrains which are required to feed its population. The recent Make in India campaign is also a re-imagined modified version of the swadeshi movement.
Swadeshi refers to the domestic manufacturing and production of services in such a large manner that we don't need to depend on imported goods and services. It is a great source of employment and helps in reducing the poverty. It helps in improving foreign exchange rates and also reduces the repatriation crisis. No nation has ever given hi-tech to other nations & never will. Tech-transfer through foreign investments is a myth. Technology improvement is a gradual process that has its basis & seeds in ground-level engineering improvements & efficiency which come through domestic small & medium manufacturing & processing centers.