English, asked by raheemadvocatekodad, 15 days ago

Write a oral discourse - " Debate on WIT & HUMOUR "


Answered by subhadip3440


On overuse—and short shelf life

Something to remark about the witticism right away, because apropos is how quickly it becomes tired. President Reagan fell into the habit of resurrecting that phrase in his second presidential campaign, and it palled. It was but tepidly responded to by crowd titterings. Fritz Mondale similarly overused his “Where’s the beef?” crack, which, when he first let it fly, was inspired.

Defining wit vs. humor

In what consist the differences between wit and humor? Webster treats the word exhaustively…. "Wit consists typically in a neat turn of speech by which disconnected ideas are unexpectedly associated."

Note from these definitions the role that intelligence plays in wit. In the importance of this ingredient is where it differs from humor. Webster goes on to say under synonyms: “WIT is more purely intellectual than humor and implies swift perception of the incongruous; it is primarily verbal in its expression and depends for its effect chiefly on ingenuity or unexpectedness of turn….HUMOR commonly implies broader human sympathies than wit."

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