English, asked by pujamandal55, 7 months ago

Write a paragraph about “The Person who influences you the most" Use the following points
[Points: Name and identity of the person-your relation and connection with him/her-his or her traits-
how he or she influences you-your impression.]
Write a letter to the end​


Answered by manas7083

My father

My father has always been the most influential person in my life because he wants me to succeed to a greater extent than he could in his lifetime, all he wants is for me to make a successs of my life and well worth the short & limited amount of time that I spend on Earth.

He only went to normal primary school & did not make it past that but he did get his certificate from a technicicon.He can’t spell words in English besides the basic “Hello” or “How are you” yet he has made it through life better than anyone in our family would ever dream of.He is now involved in many projects around South Africa and has been a wholesale jeweler for the past 3 decades.He is the most respectable person that I know of and anyone who gets to know him cannot explain how much of a lovely person he really is and I am not just saying this because he is my father.He has learnt lots of lessons in life & has told me many stories about it too. He is kind and loving and no one can seem to get enough of him.He has taught me many life lessons that have served me well in my time so far and I have carried on his legacy & spread his words to people around me.He has taught me to be patient with things and to always put my best when I do something. He has taught me how to respect others as well as how to earn others’ respect in return. He has taught me to be honest no matter what. He has taught me to be the best person I could ever be & I am blessed that I am able to understand this while he is still here with me. He is one of the only people that I can call a father and also a friend. He has taught me to enjoy my life too but also to focus on where I want to be in the future.As I am typing this answer out I am experiencing multiple flushes of goosebumps from head to toe. It’s crazy!



Answered by nn874996


about my grandfather he is the most loveable person in my Life but I lost my grandfather 3 months ago because of heart attack I miss so much

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