English, asked by priyamahto181, 4 months ago

write a paragraph about your garden. Identify the plant that are in the garden, and use descriptive phrases to make the reader feel as if they are walking through your garden? (100 - 150) words.​


Answered by nunu725


I have a small beautiful garden in front of my house.

There are many beautiful flowers like roses, orchids, sunflowers and lilies in my garden.

My grandfather loves gardening and tends to our garden every day.

He taught me how to water the plants daily


good morning sis

Answered by mdsultanhoque


Is this an imaginary space or will you be writing about your own garden? Who are your readers? Magazine subscribers? Attendees at a garden show presentation or judges in a landscape competition? Members of a neighborhood garden club or a college professor?

Knowing your target audience will help you decide whether you’ll need to concentrate on dispensing scientific information (with botanical names, places of origin), ideas for aesthetically combining plants and flower colors, and/or reasons for choosing specific plants (natives, dwarf cultivars, pest resistant, attract pollinators).

Humanize your writing by admitting to a failure, and suggest ways to rectify the problem spot. Add some humor! Mistakes can be really funny! Maybe you’ve been tasked with presenting a first-person account of the spectacular natural habitat you’ve been establishing in your back yard, and the neighborhood is curious how you did it.

So, without distractions, take a clipboard for a walk through this garden, and maybe a camera. Make notes of impressions, surprises, animals crossing your path, anything that elicits delight or distress. Mention how one plant is at the end of its bloom, for example, but attention turns to the next clump of (whatever) about to pop open.

Find a good thesaurus, but don’t stray too far afield from your natural tone. Good luck!


IT will help you if correct please mark me as brainliest and pls you give me some thanks

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