Write a paragraph in about 100 words on lessons we can learn from Animals and birds .......
13/11/2013 2:02 AM IST | Updated 07/12/2017 8:42 AM IST
What Animals Can Teach Us About Being Better Human Beings
Carolyn GregoireThe Huffington Post
Our animal counterparts have quite a few lessons to offer (the value of napping, for one). Humans are fundamentally social animals, and in learning to coexist more peacefully, the animal kingdom could teach us a thing or two.
Research has shown that animals are capable of great depth of emotion and complex systems of social cooperation, and we know that animals can care for each other and for human beings.
"Science has discovered a lot about the inner lives of diverse species, more than we often give ourselves credit for," Marc Bekoff, author of The Emotional Lives Of Animals, wrote in a Greater Good blog post. "Indeed, animals’ lives aren’t all that private, hidden, or secret; a flurry of research has offered insight into the emotional lives of animals. We now know that animals have a point of view and that they experience deep feelings."
Animals can teach us a lot about being good people, here are a few lessons we should all take to heart:
1. Cats: Keep yourself clean- nothing is more important than good hygiene!
2. Dogs: Don’t take life (or yourself) too seriously.
3. Horses: Be confident in yourself. Stand tall!
4. Hawks: Heed your instincts.
5. Otters: Remember to play!
6. Koalas: A good hug can cure nearly anything!
7. Turtles: Don’t be in a rush! SLOW DOWN and enjoy the moment.
8. Wolves: Be loyal to your clan- those who care about you and love you.
9. Dolphins: Positivity creates happiness. Be happy, and don’t be afraid to develop your creativity.
10. Honey Bee: Work hard and dream big. Nothing worth having comes easy.