English, asked by TrapQueen, 1 year ago

write a paragraph on an ideal citizen .​


Answered by Anonymous



An ideal citizen is the pride and wealth of the nation to which belongs. He is, in fact, an asset to the nation. He is the true servant of his country. He obeys the rule of the law. He has in him the germs of a law abiding citizen. He does not live for himself alone. He has a sharp civic sense. He knows that rights and duties go hand in hand. He believes in the golden principle, “Live and let live.” He is broad-minded and is always prepared to help others. In a democracy, an ideal citizen is very hope of the country. He makes a proper use of his vote. He pays taxes and leads a peaceful life. He is a good neighbor and keeps a good well. He shares the joys and sorrows of his neighbors. He is loyal to his friends, community and country. He is out and out a patriot. He makes every effort to bring about unity and integrity in the country. He believes in international goodwill and world peace. He wants the good of humanity. He is a lover of humanity and the citizen of the world. He stands for justice and fair-play everywhere under the sun. He is always prepared to shed his blood for the sake of his society and his country. Free India wants such citizens as are ideal in every respect. Only then can Indian be proud of her people.

Answered by msSINGLE

______AN IDEAL CITIZEN______

An ideal citizen is he , who realises not only his privileges but also his duties . A duty is a moral or legal responsibility , which consists of two things mainly . They are having loyalty and obedience to the laws of his country and his city . True patriotism means that in times of danger , a citizen must be prepared to support and defend his country , if necessary , even at the cost of his life . Secondly he must have no sympathy with the law-breakers who are traitors to the country . He should use all constitutional means in his power to get such laws reformed or abolished . Thirdly , it is his duty to help the police in putting down crime and arresting criminals . Criminals must realise that not only the police , but also all law-abiding citizens are against them . Fourthly , he must take interest in politics . As a citizen , he had the right to vote and he must use that vote for the good of his country as a whole . Moreover , an ideal citizen believes in cooperating with other citizens for the common good .

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