English, asked by KANISHKMISHRA17, 7 days ago



Answered by priyarawat24


Human beings and animals always had an important relationship. Animals were created to provide us with food and guide us when we had problems. In that story the animals help the man find the food and he has to share it with them in return. They also helped him find his way in the forest. Animals and humans combined together have a great power and they were able to achieve great things. God gave us the power to rule over the world that he has created for us but unfortunately we abused of this power.We started killing animals for their skin and lots of them have become extinct. Cutting down trees destroys their natural habitat so therefore they have nowhere to go. I don’t think anyone realizes how important animals are to the world and I can’t imagine myself living in a world without animals but that is what’s going to happen with people keep destroying forests, cause more pollution and kill animals for no reason.

Plants, animals and humans are all connected together and if any of these three become extinct, the whole world would be completely destroyed as we form part of a chain. Animals should be treated just like us because although they can’t speak the same language as they are as important as we are.

A very long time ago, animals and humans lived in peace and harmony but now everything has changed. Humans and animals fear each other and I don’t think this will ever change.

Answered by IRFAANA24


Animals should be treated with kindness and love. They can act as great companions in our life. For example, animals like a dog act as a great source of a companion in human life. When loved they act as guardians.

The humane treatment of animals ensures there is continuous existence of certain species of animals and prevents them from going extinct. Animals provide human beings with entertainment, company, and food.

Act friendly, calm and consequent in company with animals. Turn and walk calmly away from any animal that behaves in a way you do not feel comfortable with. Animals with feathers normally dislike to be pet.

Animals have played an important role in the provisioning of food, fiber, transportation, work, and companionship, and eventually as models for comparative research. This relationship carries significant social, cultural and moral responsibilities for the care and use of animals.

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