Write a paragraph on burden of examination
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) was heralded as a shift from evaluation based on rote learning to one indexed to personal growth. A blow was struck on behalf of the burdened child. But the child isn’t exactly smiling for all that. It is simplistic to think that all it takes to unburden the child is to trash an examination or eradicate the wasps that sting children with ‘marks’.
What are we to make of this burden that makes the children droop? Why does a child feel burdened? Does an athlete who, as P. T. Usha once said, ‘dies and comes back to life every day on the tracks,’ feel burdened? A concert pianist, practising seven hours a day, month after month, year after year? A prospective author, keen to improve his skill and style, churning out thousands of pages of material, year after year? Do you really think they feel ‘burdened’? Now, suppose you were to hire three people — one to keep knocking the keys of the piano mechanically, another to run some forty miles per day, and a third to doodle for 7 hours every day, day after day: and all of them on very attractive salaries. You will assuredly create some very burdened souls.