write a paragraph on'pride hath a fall'in about 150-200 words
If someone works slowly but regularly, he has every chance of winning his goal. On the contrary, if a person works by fits and starts, his success is not sure. The story of a hare and a tortoise teaches us the same lesson. At the same time it also teaches that we should not make fun of others.
Once there lived a hare in a jungle. He was very quick and smart. All the time he wandered here and there and enjoyed the green grass of the jungle. Near the pool of the jungle lived a tortoise. The hare and the tortoise became friends. They had good time together. But there was one problem. The hare was proud of his fast speed. He often teased the tortoise for his slow speed.
One day the tortoise lost his patience. He asked the hare to run a race. The hare laughed at the tortoise. Anyhow, the day for the race was fixed. The owl became the judge. All the animals and birds had come out of their places. The race started. The hare. ran so fast that soon he was out of sight. On the other hand the tortoise kept on Creeping slowly.
After a while the hare saw a cool shady tree. He lay down and soon was asleep. The tortoise passed by the sleeping hare. He never thought of having any rest. He kept on moving slowly and steadily. The result was that he reached his destination after a long labour. When the hare woke up, the sun was setting down. He got up and started running to the final point. But he was ashamed to see the tortoise already there.
Pride is the most dangerous thing which may be reason for someone's fall one day. We have seen that many people in the society are really feel Pride about themselves. They are not ready to kneel down in front of anyone but just because of this Pride sometimes they have to face difficult situation or problem.
We have heard the story of two trees one strong and second one is short. A tall tree has a great pride because it is tall and strong. The tall tree never bend down in front of anyone. One day there was a huge tempest going through the surrounding. A short tree bend down so the tempest goes easily and it saves its life. On the other hand strong tree stood steadily. It felt that he is strong and tall cam face any difficulty. As the tempest became stronger the tall tree could not bear the tempest and fell down. Moral of the story is we should not feel Pride about anything otherwise we will fall one day. We should behave according to the situation. Sometimes if we go back it doesn't mean that we surrender. but it means that we are taking time for preparation and with full strength we will come back and fight with the difficulty and surely we will win the battle.
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