English, asked by nirakhi8831, 1 year ago

Write a paragraph on the benefits of early morning exercise in 200+words


Answered by Niruru
Hey friends... here is your answer....

A Morning Exercise Routine Will Help You Get Better Sleep. Waking up early in the morning toexercise will in turn help you sleep better. Your body will enjoy a healthy sense of fatigue at the end of the day and will be ready to sleep. ... A recent study had participants exercise at 7am, 1pm, or 7pm 3 days per week.
Answered by MilitheQUORAN
Hey Good morning!


The saying goes:The early bird gets the seed.
It is true for well being of a person.Getting up early and doing exercises gives you intense pleasure. It not only keeps you fit and healty but is good for yor mental health too. It creates better circulation of blood and recharge the body for the coming day. Hence ,a moring exercise is very useful.
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