Write a paragraph on time management
time is very important in life.but is so short.we do every work for time to time when we lost time we never get that time again and again in our life so be on time and spend something special on that time because is is very important in life .
time is according to your life.
Time management:
The time Management is the capability to maintain time usefully and carefully without wasting. Actually time is saying "Precious" than a diamond l, If time has stopped everything will be stopped.
Time sometimes forces us to work harder it is because we must do each and every work on time if we missed anything without doing on time, the time gives us pressure and force to do the work at a time.
For managing our time we can have a daily routine time table, we can follow things to do better and save our precious time. Most of The people go to work, school, office, etc... But all of them have a particular time to wake up, for breakfast, lunch and dinner etc.
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