write a paragraph on unemployment in 500 words
unemployment is a major cause which was being performing by the increasing population which was increasing suddenly and due to illiteracy and Employment was being very increased in our society which will become a major problem in the future times we should focus on this government should make strict rule on this about literacy and government should also concentration on employment and make some rules and provide unemployment to the youth especially the unemployment has been increased in youth which leads to you not a brighter future of India for the brighter future of India we have to make it socially economically better and for that we should work on unemployment
One of the most disturbing problem in India has been the mounting rate of unemployment, both in the rural and urban sectors. In case of rural sector, there has been both educated and industrial unemployment.
Human activities are classified as economic and non- economic. Activities aimed at generating income are termed as economic activities. There activities are classified as business, profession and employment. In order to earn one’s living, it is necessary that every individual should engage himself in either of the economic activities.
Unemployment is a situation where in the persons willing to work fail to find a job that earns them living. Unemployment means lack of employment. In simple way, unemployment means the state of being unemployed. The rate of unemployment varies over a wide range among the different states of India. When a person does not get a full time work, it is called under- employment. When the productivity and income of a person increase by changing his occupation, he is also known as underemployed.
Unemployment may be categories in – seasonal unemployment , Industrial unemployment, Educational unemployment, Technological unemployment and Disguised unemployment. Agricultural labourers, farmers, workers of sugar mills, rice sellers, cotton ginning units and ice factories are included in seasonal unemployment. Workers forced to be unemployed due to saving devices are counted in industrial unemployment. Educated unemployment means educated unemployed persons with no job. Technological unemployment refers to person who have been put out of work by the introduction of a superior technology in their idea of operation. Disguised unemployment is a common feature in agriculture where more than required person have been engaged in the cultivation of the same plot. It is a sort of under – employment.
The responsible factor for unemployment in India are – excessive burden of population on cultivation; rapidly increasing population; low productivity in agriculture sector; defective educational system; defective economic planning and large scale production and mechanization. The development of town, cities and industrial centers resulting throwing manual workers out of employment. In villages unemployment is due to lack of cottage industries. Every year Indian Universities produce fifteen lackhs of graduates who are fit only to be clerk and nothing more. Defective system of education is responsible for this. Vocational training is not imparted and practical work is neglected.
Every country is trying to solve the unemployment problem in her own way. The government should open Technical and vocational colleges and manual labour should be made compulsory. Big factories should be attached to these colleges. More stress is to be given to practical side. Investment in heavy and basic industries and consumer goods industries should be increased to provide more employment with more production. Cottage and small scale industries should be developed. Subsidies and other incentives should be given to private sector. Modernization and mechanization of agriculture should be done. Waste lands should be utilized. Rural works programmes should be increased. Means of transport and communication should be developed self – employed persons should be assisted.
Unless this problem is solved, the future of India cannot be bright. There will be no peace and prosperity in the country if jobless person do not get a proper channel. More attention should be given otherwise this problem can make jobless youths go to wrong direction.
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