English, asked by UUGaming, 1 year ago



Answered by amriksingh8884


an important and integral part of mankind. It is one of the greatest blessings for human life; however, nowadays humans fail to recognize it as one. Nature has been an inspiration for numerous poets, writers, artists and more of yesteryears. This remarkable creation inspired them to write poems and stories in the glory of it. They truly valued nature which reflects in their works even today. Essentially, nature is everything we are surrounded by like the water we drink, the air we breathe, the sun we soak in, the birds we hear chirping, the moon we gaze at and more. Above all, it is rich and vibrant and consists of both living and non-living things. Therefore, people of the modern age should also learn something from people of yesteryear and start valuing nature before it gets too late.

Answered by stharohan4200


Native Indians refer to the Earth as “Mother Earth”.  They believe that Mother Earth will provide everything that is needed for their survival.  It is because of her that we are able to live and survive.  Since Mother Earth provides for all, we are expected to show respect for her and everything else that surrounds us.  According to Native Indians everything, whether living or non-living, has a spirit and is sacred.  Because of this Native Indians believe everything to be related.  

Native Indians saw the world around them as sacred and deserving of respect.  They saw their world to be a delicate balance of respect and caring for one another and all within the world.  They believed that animals sacrificed themselves for the people.  The…show more content…

Even though the Thunder Beings can choose to destroy they are revered as great protectors.  Sometimes the Thunder Beings reveal themselves to those on earth.  Their physical form is described as a great Thunderbird with large claws and wings, and is large enough to carry a killer whale.    

The Native Indians have a wonderful relationship with the Earth and everything around them.  It is not easy to maintain these spiritual and sacred beliefs with each generation.  In many tribes, the elders would look after the children and raise them while the parents carried on with daily life and chores.  The elders ensured to pass on their knowledge and teach their beliefs and ways of life to the children.  This not only kept their way of life alive with each passing generation, but ensured that the balance between them and the Earth was maintained.  

The Native Indians believe that all things come from the earth and once their cycle is complete they will return to the earth upon their death.  It is strongly believed that what you put into the Earth is returned to you.  The Earth will nurture you as long as you nurture and respect her.  In other words, if you abuse and disrespect the Earth then you shall reap what you sow.  The land and water will eventually become poisoned and no longer able to sustain life as it once had.

an important and integral part of mankind. It is one of the greatest blessings for human life; however, nowadays humans fail to recognize it as one. Nature has been an inspiration for numerous poets, writers, artists and more of yesteryears. This remarkable creation inspired them to write poems and stories in the glory of it. They truly valued nature which reflects in their works even today. Essentially, nature is everything we are surrounded by like the water we drink, the air we breathe, the sun we soak in, the birds we hear chirping, the moon we gaze at and more. Above all, it is rich and vibrant and consists of both living and non-living things. Therefore, people of the modern age should also learn something from people of yesteryear and start valuing nature before it gets too late.

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