English, asked by jainjanvi114, 10 months ago

Write a practical criticism of any one of the following
Ah what avails the sceptred race,
Ah what the form divine !
What every virtue, every grace!
Rose Aylmer, all were thine.
Rose Aylmer, whom these wakeful
May weep, but never see,
A night of memories and of sighs
I consecrate to thee.


Answered by anjupurohit6


Rose Aylmer is Landor’s best known poem. Rose Aylmer sailed to India with an aunt in 1798, and two years later died of cholera. The poem which is epigrammatic is written in tetrameters and trimeter iambics, rhyming alternate lines. The sceptred race presumably refers to Great Britain, ruled by a sovereign monarch. What avails it is that it has lost a divine creature, as is made clear in the second verse. Rose Aylmer was imbued with every virtue and grace. In other words, she was a very beautiful and clever young woman. In the third verse Landor laments the fact that Rose has gone to India and he will never see her again. The last verse alludes to a night of passion which he remembers and recalls vividly, consecrating its memory to her. Whilst Landor is apparently revealing his love for her, he keeps some of his secrets to himself. Whether he makes Rose Aylmer truly memorable is a matter for debate. We have to take what he says on trust.

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