Write a program in java to accept a string in lower case and change the first letter of every word to upper case.Display the new string.
Sample input : We are in cyber world
Sample output : We Are In Cyber World
Answered by
// Java program to convert first character
// uppercase in a sentence
class GFG {
static String convert(String str)
// Create a char array of given String
char ch[] = str.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
// If first character of a word is found
if (i == 0 && ch[i] != ' ' ||
ch[i] != ' ' && ch[i - 1] == ' ') {
// If it is in lower-case
if (ch[i] >= 'a' && ch[i] <= 'z') {
// Convert into Upper-case
ch[i] = (char)(ch[i] - 'a' + 'A');
// If apart from first character
// Any one is in Upper-case
else if (ch[i] >= 'A' && ch[i] <= 'Z')
// Convert into Lower-Case
ch[i] = (char)(ch[i] + 'a' - 'A');
// Convert the char array to equivalent String
String st = new String(ch);
return st;
public static void main(String[] args)
String str = "Mark as brainliest ";
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