write a program in python to display power table of 2 by using while loop
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Required program :-
n = 1
while n<11:
print(f"2^{n} = {2* *n}")
n = n+1
Explanation :-
Define a variable with initial value of 1 and run a while loop till this value is smaller than 11 because we have to print the power table of 2 upto 10 terms. Now use a print statement to print the power table, * * is an operator for power in python. Message inside print statement is written inside f strings to print both variables and text. Add an extra statement to increment the value of n by 1 every time the loop runs.
More :-
For printing multiplication table use the following còdes:
n = 1
while n<11:
print(f"{2} x {n} = {2*n}")
n = n+1
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