write a program in python to round off any fractional value up to 0(Zero) decimal places.
Use math.floor to round down, math.ceil to round up and round to round to nearest integer. There are different methods available the method you will use depends on the result you want. For example if you want to truncate a decimal or floating point number you would use the built in round () function.
Answer:round() function in Python
Python provides an inbuilt function round() which rounds off to the given number of digits and returns the floating point number, if no number of digits is provided for round off , it rounds off the number to the nearest integer.
round(number, number of digits)
round() parameters:
..1) number - number to be rounded
..2) number of digits (Optional) - number of digits
up to which the given number is to be rounded.
If the second parameter is missing, then round() function returns:
..a) if only an integer is given , as 15 , then it will round off to 15.
..b) if a decimal number is given , then it will round off to the ceil integer after that if decimal value has >=5 , and it will round off to the floor integer if decimal is <5.
Below is the python implementation of the round() function if the second parameter is missing.
# for integers
# for floating point
When the second parameter is present, then it returns:
The last decimal digit till which it is rounded is increased by 1 when (ndigit+1)th digit is >=5 , else it stays the same.
Below is the python implementation of the round() function if the second parameter is present
# when the (ndigit+1)th digit is =5
print(round(2.665, 2))
# when the (ndigit+1)th digit is >=5
print(round(2.676, 2))
# when the (ndigit+1)th digit is <5
print(round(2.673, 2))
Error and Exceptions
TypeError : This error is raised in the case when there is anything other then numbers in the parameters.
print(round("a", 2))
Runtime Errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ccdcfc451ab046030492e0e758d42461.py", line 1, in
print(round("a", 2))
TypeError: type str doesn't define __round__ method
Practical Applications:
One of the common uses of rounding of functions is Handling the mismatch between fractions and decimal
One use of rounding numbers is shorten all the three’s to the right of the decimal point in converting 1/3 to decimal. Most of the time, you will use the rounded numbers 0.33 or 0.333 when you need to work with 1/3 in decimal. In fact, you usually work with just two or three digits to the right of the decimal point when there is no exact equivalent to the fraction in decimal. How would you show 1/6 in decimal? Remember to round up!
# practical application
b = 1/3
print(round(b, 2))
Note: In python if we round of numbers to floor or ceil without giving the second parameter , it will return 15.0 for example and in Python 3 it returns 15 , so to avoid this we can use (int) type conversion in python.
Explanation:hope this helps u plz mark me as the brainliest