Social Sciences, asked by jverma326p2nepp, 1 year ago

Write a project on consumer awareness. Explain it.


Answered by Anonymous

Hlo dude❤


⏩Consumer Awareness is an act of making sure the buyer or consumer is aware of the information about products, goods, services, and consumers rights. Consumer awareness is important so that buyer can take the right decision and make the right choice. Consumers have the right to information, right to choose, right to safety. Let us learn more about Consumer rights, responsibilities and consumer awareness in detail.

Consumer Rights is an insight into what rights consumer holds when it comes to seller which provide the goods. What if the goods provided to the consumer by the business is not up to the standard? Then in that case – what should a consumer do? To be precise, what rights consumer have is in the court of law to fight against the malpractices of the business firms or seller.

Consumer Rights

  • Right to Safety: This is the first and the most important of the Consumer Rights. They should be protected against the product that hampers their safety. The protection must be against any product which could be hazardous to their health – Mental, Physical or many of the other factors.

  • Right to Information: They should be informed about the product. The product packaging should list the details which should be informed to the consumer and they should not hide the same or provide false information.

  • Right to Choose: They should not be forced to select the product. A consumer should be convinced of the product he is about to choose and should make a decision by himself. This also means consumer should have a variety of articles to choose from. Monopolistic practices are not legal.

  • Right to Heard: If a consumer is dissatisfied with the product purchased then they have all the right to file a complaint against it. And the said complaint cannot go unheard, it must be addressed in an appropriate time frame.

  • Right to Seek Redressal: In case a product is unable to satisfy the consumer then they have the right to get the product replaced, compensate, return the amount invested in the product. We have a three-tier system of redressal according to the Consumer Protection Act 1986.

  • Right to Consumer Education: Consumer has the right to know all the information and should be made well aware of the rights and responsibilities of the government. Lack of Consumer awareness is the most important problem our government must solve.

Answered by kanchanverma80



We buy a variety of goods and services in our day-to-day life. Whatever we buy wepay for it and derive satisfaction from its consumption and use. But sometimes wedo not feel satisfied with the product we buy. This may be on account of poor quality ofthe product, overcharging .

Introduction (2-3 pages)

We buy a variety of goods and services in our day-to-day life. Whatever we buy wepay for it and derive satisfaction from its consumption and use. But sometimes wedo not feel satisfied with the product we buy. This may be on account of poor quality ofthe product, overcharging by the shopkeeper, lower quantity of contents, misleadingadvertisement, and so on.

Meaning of Consumer

A consumer is a person who consumes or uses any goods or services.Goods may be consumables like wheat flour, salt, sugar, fruit etc. or durable items liketelevision, refrigerator, toaster, mixer, bicycle etc. Services refer to items like electricity,cooking gas, telephone, transportation, film show etc. Normally, it is the consumption oruse of go

ods and services that makes the person to be called as „consumer‟. But in the

eyes of law, both the person who buys any goods or hires any service for consideration(price) and the one who uses such goods and services with the approval of the buyer aretermed as consumers. For example, when your father buys apple for you and you consumethem, your father as well as yourself are treated as consumers. The same thing applies tohiring a taxi to go to your school. In other words, even the buyer of goods and serviceswhether he uses them himself or purchases them for consumption or use by some otherperson(s) is treated as consumer in the eyes of law. However, a person who buys goodsfor resale (like wholesaler, retailer, etc.) or for any commercial purpose is not treated asconsumer.Under the Consumer Protection Act 1986, the word


has been defined separatelyfor the purpose of goods and services.



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