write a python script to create a dictionary with class and name of subject teacher and delete a particular class and teacher name
We have already seen how we can use a dictionary to group related data
When we create an object of that data type, we call it an instance of a class. .We use the same names for the attributes and the parameters, but this is not Defining a class also doesn't make anything run – it just tells Python about the class
syntax:dict = { key1:value1, key2:value2,...keyN:valueN }
>>> capitals={"USA":"Washington, D.C.", "France":"Paris", "India":"New Delhi"}
Python - For Loop
else Loop
Python - range()
Python - Function
Lambda Function
Python - Variable Scope
Python - Module
Module Attributes
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OS Module
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Statistics Module
Collections Module
Random Module
Python - Packages
Python - Iterator
Python - Generator
Python - Map Function
Python - Filter Function
Python - Reduce Function
Python - List Comprehension
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Python - Errors
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Python - Assert
Python - Class
private and protected
property() function
@property Decorator
@classmethod Decorator
@staticmethod Decorator
Python - Magic Methods
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Python - Course & Books
Python - Dictionary
Like the list and the tuple, dictionary is also a collection type. However, it is not an ordered sequence, and it contains key-value pairs. One or more key:value pairs separated by commas are put inside curly brackets to form a dictionary object.
dict = { key1:value1, key2:value2,...keyN:valueN }
The following declares a dictionary object.
>>> capitals={"USA":"Washington, D.C.", "France":"Paris", "India":"New Delhi"}
In the above example, capitals is a dictionary object. The left side of : is a key and right side of : is a value. The key should be an immutable object. A number, string or tuple can be used as key. Hence, the following definitions of dictionary are also valid:
>>> numNames={1:"One", 2: "Two", 3:"Three"}
>>> decNames={1.5:"One and Half", 2.5: "Two and Half", 3.5:"Three and Half"}
>>> items={("Parker","Reynolds","Camlin"):"pen",("LG","Whirlpool","Samsung"): "Refrigerator"}
However, a dictionary with a list as a key is not valid, as the list is mutable:
>>>dict={["Mango","Banana"]:"Fruit", ["Blue", "Red"]:"Colour"}
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
But, a list can be used as a value.
>>>dict={"Fruit":["Mango","Banana"], "Colour":["Blue", "Red"]}
The same key cannot appear more than once in a collection. If the key appears more than once, only the last will be retained. The value can be of any data type. One value can be assigned to more than one key.
>>>staff={"Krishna":"Officer", "Steve":"Manager", "John":"officer", "Anil":"Clerk", "John":"Manager"}
{"Krishna":"Officer", "Steve":"Manager", "Anil":"Clerk", "John":"Manager"}