Computer Science, asked by omawthankar1603, 1 year ago

write a q basic program - to input any 2 numbers and ptint their sum and product by leaving two lines in between​


Answered by pranvi2704

import java.util.*;

class basic


public static void main ()


System.out.println("Enter two numbers");

int a=sc.nextInt ();

int b=sc.nextInt ();


System.out.println ();

System.out.println ();

System.out.println ("Product="(a*b));



omawthankar1603: i wanted in q basic not ❌in java
pranvi2704: ok
pranvi2704: sorry
omawthankar1603: pls reanwer if yuo can
pranvi2704: I don't know about Qbasic...sorry..
omawthankar1603: its ok thnx bye
pranvi2704: bye
Answered by Aridaman

Basic Input


The INPUT command is used to gather input from the user. This section will attempt to teach you how to gather input upon request from the user. For real-time input, see QBasic/Advanced Input.

Here is the syntax of the input command:

INPUT "[text to user]"; [variable] ' Question mark added


INPUT "[text to user]", [variable] ' No question mark added


INPUT "What is your name"; name$


INPUT "What is your age", age

When a semicolon (;) is used after the text output to the user, a question mark (?) and 'space' are added to the output. When a comma (,) is used no question mark is added.

If a string is specified (eg 'name$'), anything the user enters before pressing the 'return' key will be accepted. If a numeric variable (eg 'age') is specified, the user must enter a number (if any non-numeric key is entered, the error message "Redo from start" will be output and the INPUT command rerun)




INPUT "What is your name"; name$

PRINT "Hello, "; name$; "!"

INPUT "How old are you"; age

INPUT "what is your best computer game?", game$

PRINT " name:"; name$

PRINT " age:"; age; " years old"

PRINT "best game:"; game$

Please note: In the PRINT command, the (;) function concatenates (joins) the contents of the string variables with the text between the quotes (" "). Note the use of spaces so that the final printed text reads properly.

If a numerical variables is specified within the PRINT command, an additional space is automatically added both before and after the number.

See also: LINE INPUT command to read a line of text from a file (and place the result in a string variable) or to input a series of variables (in which case any commas found will be treated as delimiters between fields). 5MOD16*4/2^5+9/4

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