English, asked by virus925, 10 months ago

Write a report in about 400 to 500 words on the following topic "Living under the apocalypse (Living with covid19)".You can make use of the hints given below. 1. Its outbreak and spread 2. Initial rumours 3. Steps taken by the government to check it's widespread 4. Initial fear in the minds of people 5. Development of understanding towards covid 19 6. Relaxation by the government. 7. Explosion of covid 19 cases after initial control. 8. People coming up with positive frame of mind to fight the menace of covid 19. 9. Comparing human civilization with Phoenix


Answered by vaduz

Report writing on "Living under the apocaypse (living with covid19).



By- Harshit Kapoor

13 June 2020

As the world grapples with the outbreak of the pandemic Corona Virus, also known as COVID-19, it has become a global issue and a common norm for all to be familiar with the word. Even small kids are aware of it, and it has been the fear of the young and old alike.  

It was first reported to be from the wet market in Wuhan, China, where all sorts of animals were sold. The cases were not initially reported by the Chinese media, as they tried to downplay the issue. But as the world gets a hold of the virus, it slowly became a global issue. The European nations were the first to be affected by the pandemic, while it slow;y spreads to the other nations.  

Then, the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic when it spreads so fast, even for most nations unable to contain it. Countries began shutting down their nations, imposing restrictions and lockdowns. Even the people were fearful of venturing out, while there were numerous cases of panic buying.  

But as the virus spread, so did the awareness about the new disease. Health experts all over the world began to spread all they knew about the virus, informing the masses about how to prevent oneself and also how to break the chain of infection. Numerous steps were also taken by the respective governments on how to tackle the problem, while also regulating the spread and getting their countrymen safely back to the country.

As the lockdown period grows to months, and the cases seem to show no sign of slowing down, or in some cases, it did slow down, the governments decided to relax a bit on the lockdown issue. Especially in India, the lockdown was in effect for almost there months when the relaxation started. But even then, the cases still rose, while the mortality rates and infection rates increased drastically. The relaxed atmosphere allows people to venture out, which further led to more and more infections among the common people and even medical workers.  

But despite all these, the people are working together to curb the spread and increasing of the infection, by following the government''s preventive measures. Moreover, proper sanitation practices, social distancing, foregoing being outside, and practicing as many safety measures as possible all allow the proper prevention of a much larger spread. Timely diagnosis, self-test apps, and immediate quarantine measures for those infected all allow the government to keep track of the infection and also safeguard the other people from getting infected.

In a nutshell, this pandemic has led to the similar situation of humanity rising out from the ashes like a phoenix. Whatever that maybe that takes us down to the lowest bottom, we shall rise with newfound energy and vigor.

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Report writing



Corona Virus



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