English, asked by jayraj6, 1 year ago

write a report on career guidance seminar held by your school


Answered by RAOKARAN
How are schools doing on careers advice for their students? This is the question we posed for the new State of the Nation 2017 report, published by social enterprise The Careers & Enterprise Company. Our findings are based on 600 schools completing a self-assessment tool, giving us insights into their delivery of careers provision.

We looked at how close schools are to eight benchmarks describing best practice – such as a stable careers programme, linking curriculum learning to careers, and offering personal guidance. While there have been improvements since 2014, there is still a long way to go.

Current careers provision typically falls short of the standard set by the benchmarks. More than 20 per cent of schools are not achieving any benchmarks, and on average schools are only meeting 1.87 of them. It’s encouraging to see, however, that the benchmarks are stretching but achievable – and that schools of all types and in all areas are managing to meet them. So what could schools be doing to move their careers and enterprise provision forwards?

Careers and enterprise provision shouldn’t just happen in PSHE. Subject teachers should be encouraged to consider how to bring careers content into the curriculum to bring the subject to life, making connections between classroom learning and young people’s aspirations. For example, the Bourne Academy in Bournemouth teaches students how to write business letters as part of the year 10 and 11 English curriculum.

Know the realities of the labour market

The labour market and how young people move into it are changing all the time. Just think of what has happened to travel agents with the advent of the internet or consider what driverless cars might do for lorry drivers. Because of these changes it is critical that labour market information is based on real-world data and not on memories of parents or teachers about what the labour market used to be like when they were young.

Although we are awash with data, it’s not always easy for young people to interpret. Schools can help by signposting free resources such as icould, which combines video case studies with up-to-date labour market information.

Answered by AnusritaS98



The Avengers Academy had recently hosted a career guidance seminar in thir campus on 17th September for the welfare of the students who are about to graduate this year and the following year. The students of class 9 and 10 actively participated in the seminar. The seminar started with principal's speech at 10am, followed by speeches by the alumni association. There was an open house round to clarify the doubts of students. Overall it was a successful seminar as most of the students were counselled and returned home with a more focused mindset.

Report By,

Peter Parker.

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