Write a report on how the local people of your locality helped the jobless migrant workers during covid 19 pandemic
Indian migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Stranded migrant workers during fourth phase of the lockdown IMG 20200523 125500.jpg
Stranded migrant workers during fourth phase of the lockdown near Paharganj
March 2020–present
COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdown
Sharp rise in unemployment
Exodus to hometowns and villages
Shramik Special trains
Indian migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic have faced multiple hardships. With factories and workplaces shut down due to the lockdown imposed in the country, millions of migrant workers had to deal with the loss of income, food shortages and uncertainty about their future.[1][2] Following this, many of them and their families went hungry.[3] Thousands of them then began walking back home, with no means of transport due to the lockdown.[4] In response, the Central and State Governments took various measures to help them,[5][6][7] and later arranged transport for them.[8][9] 198 migrant workers died due to the lockdown, with reasons of road accidents.