English, asked by haimantighosh370, 8 months ago

Write a sentence from the text that shows that finally Grandfather and Jason had begun to
understand each other. How did this come about?​


Answered by pawangulia256


he world was being baked in an oven; trees drooped in the humid

heat where low-flying planes wavered before my eyes like desert

mirages. I tried to imagine if my grandfather would be like my

father–tall, strong, intense, and quiet–or like my mother–short, delicate,

and talkative. I had forgotten whether this was my paternal or maternal


I glanced at my brothers at the window, still flabbergasted by the

planes and terminals of the busiest airport in the world. Meanwhile, my

impatience started to grow as I realized the plane from California was late.

Even after searching my mind for early images of my grandfather, I could-

n’t remember anything about him.

We all stood expectantly, watching the passengers file out into the

receiving room. Grandfather’s Chinese background made him impossible

to miss. Dressed in a traditional blue jacket, he walked with the dignity

of a general inspecting his troops. His penetrating, black eyes scanned the

room in search of us. My parents rushed to greet him. In an excited voice,

my father called out, “Knee how, Knee how! Knee lae boo lae? Knee the

syn tee kand chi lie hin how!” (Hello! Are you tired from your trip? You

look great.) My parents said much more, but I could no longer translate.

Grandfather gave us all hugs and kisses. Yet my brothers and I stood apart,

wondering what to do, for we had just realized that he spoke only

Chinese. Under the frowning eyes of my parents I said, hesitantly, “Yee,

yee, knee how. Wao . . .” I faltered as I tried to remember what I was sup-

posed to say. My grandfather gave a surprised look, first at me, then at my

parents. My mother explained that we were as illiterate in Chinese as he

was in English. I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed because my parents

were talking in Chinese and attracting glances from people around us.

With Grandfather the only one dressed in Chinese clothes, we looked

even further out of place. My brothers and I exchanged silent glances as

our parents talked on with my grandfather.

The first signs of autumn appeared–a chilly wind, scurrying squirrels,

yellow and orange-colored leaves, and geese loudly proclaiming their voy-

age south. A month had already passed since Grandfather’s arrival.

Playing Nintendo games on a Friday afternoon, my brothers and I sat in

the family room, waiting for both of our parents to return from work.

While my brothers were absorbed in their game of Teenage Mutant Ninja

Turtles, I stole a quick glance at my grandfather.

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