English, asked by bijobetty1, 1 month ago

write a sentence in which there are least two adjectives predicativly used​


Answered by pvssum008191

Children grow older every day.

The baby remains happy during her bath.

Her lasagna smells scrumptious.

Andy's sports car is Italian.

Bosses can be demanding.

His horses appear well-groomed.

Mount Rushmore looks amazing.

He seems afraid of the dog.

All the kittens are asleep.

His assignment proves difficult for him.

Tornadoes appear menacing.

My neighbors are Japanese.

Our music sounds uplifting.

Her costume is strange.

The director remains hopeful, in spite of bad reviews.

The ocean was aglow from the setting sun.

Traffic becomes congested after work.

The senator was long-winded.

My first impression was wrong.

Mary would be perfect for him.

My doctor seems confident about my recovery.

The disease is wide-spread.

Aspen leaves turn yellow in the fall.

The raft was afloat on the river.

The squid that washed ashore was enormous.

The two instruments look similar in size and color.

According to Jane, A Tale of Two Cities is an excellent book.

The road trip became horrifying.

All the artifacts in the museum are ancient.

The purchase of the black opal ring is extravagant.

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