English, asked by DhanyaDA, 1 year ago

write a short humorous story in english???


Answered by Anonymous
I am giving you two stories! Please check whether they are humorous or not! If not please lemme know I will delete!


                        THE FISHER  MAN AND THE LITTLE FISH

Once upon a time there was a Koli fisherman. His job was to catch fish. he sold them in the market and thereby earned his bread.

Once there were no rains. The streams, ponds and rivers went dry. The fisherman was on the brink (point) of starvation. He went from pond to pond and stream to stream, but he failed miserably to catch any fish. Now the situation was getting very grave. He searched at last a small pond with very shallow water. He went into the muddy water. He looked for some fish. At last he succeeded. He caught a very very small fish. He was about to kill it. The tiny fish requested him very humbly, "Dear fisherman, do not kill me. I am too small. Please put me back in the pond, let me grow fast and fleshy. Come after six months. I shall be a good feast for you and your guests," Then she kept mum.

Now it was entirely in the hands of Koli fisherman to spare it or kill it. But the fish was very hopeful of being excused. She thought that her appeal was having the desired effect because the fisherman pondered (though) for a while. Then the fisherman said very seriously, "Perhaps  you might not come back to be caught,when you have grown-up. A little fish is far far better than no fish at all, so I think I need no pity on you". So saying he killed her and ate it up. He relished it thoroughly.

Moral:-Something is better than nothing.


Once in Julaha Nagar, there lived twelve weavers. They worked on their looms day and night. They never ventured out of their village. They were very happy with their lot.

But once on an urgent business, they had to go out of their village. They did it much against their wishes. They had a fear of losing one-two of them. They were very simple people. Except their own village, they knew nothing of the world. Anyway they started on their long journey.

Now there was a large river which they had to cross. In order to avoid the loss of any one of them in strong  current of the water, they tied themselves with a rope. They crossed the river, Nothing unusual happened. When they reached the other bank of the river, they began to count themselves. This they did in order to be doubly sure.

Each one counted the other eleven and forgot to count himself. Thus they counted hundreds of times but they found that one of them was definitely washed away in the river. They sat down and began to weep loudly. One passerby who saw them weeping reached them. He at once understood their foolishness and simple-mindedness. He took out his shoe and stuck it on each, counted and completed the number twelve. The weavers were very happy.

Thanks God, they were twelve. None was missing. Their problem was that the one who began counting, forgot to count himself. They vowed never go out of their Julaha Nagar, for the rest of their life 

Moral:-Foolishness has no end 
Answered by ayushkumar17
The Clever Frog :

The Deep inside a forest, there was a pond. Many fishes, crabs and frogs lived in the pond. Theirs was a happy and peaceful life.

Among them lived two beautiful fishes named Sahasrabuddhi and Shatabuddhi. They were bigger than the other fishes in the pond. They were very proud of their good looks and intelligence.

In the same pond lived a frog with his wife. His name was Ekkabuddhi. The fishes and frogs were good friends. They all led an undisturbed life.

But one day two fishermen, returning from the river in the forest after fishing. came across the pond. It was late in the evening and as usual all the fishes and frogs were at play. Sahasrabuddhi, Shatabuddhi, Ekkabuddhi and many others joined the game. They leaped high into the air and chased each other.

Seeing the beautiful scene the fishermen were amazed and stopped in their tracks.

“How beautiful they look?" said one fisherman.

“Yes. And so many of them too," replied the other.

“The pond does not look very deep," said the first fisherman. “Let us catch some of them."

“It is already very late and we have a heavy load to carry a long way. Let’s come back tomorrow," suggested the other fisherman.

Ekkabuddhi turned to the others in the pond and said, “Did you not hear what the fishermen said? We must leave this pond for a safer place."

“Just because two fishermen said they would come back to catch us tomorrow, you want us to leave our home and flee. For all we know, they might not come back," said Sahasrabuddhi.

“Even if they come back to catch us I know a thousand tricks to get away."

“And even if your thousand ways fail, I know another hundred ways to escape," said Shatabuddhi. “ We will not let two fishermen scare us away from our me." All the others in the pond agreed with them.

“Well! I know only one trick," said Ekkabuddhi. “To leave the place before danger strikes." Ekkabuddhi and his wife left the pond in search of a safer place. All the fishes, crabs and frogs laughed at them as they left.

The next day the fishermen returned to the pond and cast their net. “Ouch! This net is too thick for me to bite through," cried Sahasrabuddhi.

“For me too," cried Shatabuddhi. “Only if I could get out, I could do something.

“We should have listened to Ekkabuddhi," cried a fish. “Now we are all doomed."

The fishermen caught them all and put all the fishes, frogs and crabs into a big basket and took them away.

Ekkabuddhi, hiding behind a boulder with his wife turned to her and said, “If I had not acted in time, we would also be in that basket with the others."
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