write a short note on: (1) guiseppe mazzini(2) count camillo de cavour (3) the greek war of Independence (4) Frankfurt parliament (5) the role of women in nationalist struggles
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Guiseppe Mazzini: An Italian revolutionary, he was the member of the secret society of the Carbonari. In 1831, at the age of 24, he was banished for an attempting a Ligurian revolt. Subsequently he established two more underground societies, one in Marseilles, Young Italy and the other in Berne, Young Europe . The young people from Poland, France, Italy and Germany were like-minded in their attendance. Mazzini claimed that God created nations to be humanity's natural units. So the patchwork of tiny states and kingdoms cannot continue to be Italy.Within a wider alliance of nations, Italy needed to be formed into a new unified nation. The Conservatives were terrified of Mazzini's constant resistance to monarchy and his quest for democracy. Metternich defines him as "our social order's most aggressive adversary."
Count Camillo de Cavour: He was Sardinia-Piedmont Chief Minister who headed the effort to reconcile the Italian regions. He was neither a Democrat nor a Revolutionary. He understood French even better than Italian, like many other affluent and educated leaders of the Italian community. In 1859, He assisted Sardinia-Piedmont defeat of the Austrian powers to free Northern Italy from Austrian Habsburgs by establishing careful diplomatic alliance with France.
The Greek War of Independence: Between 1821 and 1829 it was a successful war of liberation against the Ottoman Monarchy by Greek revolutionaries. The Greeks have been supported by countries in western Europe such as the French Monarchy, the United Kingdom and the Russian Empire. Poets and artists have praised Greece as the berth of European civilization. This body eventually created Greece as an sovereign country through the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832.
Frankfurt Parliament: It was an entirely German National Assembly made up of middle-class professionals, entrepreneurs and wealthy craftsmen from various German regions. On 18th May 1948, it was convened in the St. Paul's Church, Frankfurt. In this assembly a constitution was drawn up for a German country to form a constitutional monarchy. But the (aristocracy) bourgeoisie and the military resisted it. It had lacked its mass support base because it became controlled by the middle classes. Eventually, on 31 May 1849 it was disbanded.
The Role of Women in Nationalist Struggles: The issue of extending political rights to women was a controversial one within the liberal movt., wherein many women were strongly involved over the years, to extend voting opportunities for women. In the nationalist struggles around the globe, women played a very significant part. Most of them participated in each step. They endured police brutality, yet they still supported their counterparts . Most women became deeply engaged in political affairs over the years. Women also formed political associations themselves, published newspapers and organized meetings and demonstrations. Nevertheless, during the Assembly elections, they were refused suffrage. When the parliament of Frankfurt assembled in St. Paul's cathedral, women were only permitted to stand in the guest gallery as observers. Yet their commitment to the national movement had not been reduced. Delphine de Girardin, a educated woman, protested that if servants doing housework were allowed the right to vote, then why not people who are mothers? Before the end of the 19th century women have few to no voting freedom, ability to vote etc.