Write a short note on history of matchstick
The history of match stick is very old. More than 5000 years ago small pieces of pinewood dipped in sulphur were used as matches in ancient Egypt. The modern safety match was developed only 200 years ago.
A mixture of antimony trisulphide, potassium chlorate and white phosphorous with some glue and starch was applied on the head of match made of wood. When struck against rough surface, white phosphorou got ignited due to heat of friction. This started the combustion of match stick.
However white phosphorous proved to be dangereous to health both for workers involved in manufacturing and users.
These days the head of match stick contains antimony trisulphide and potassium chlorate. The rubbing surface has powdered glass and a little red phosphorous. When match stick is struck against the rubbing surface some red surface gets converted into white phosphorous. This immediately reacts with potassium chlorate in match stick head to produce enough heat to ignite antimony trisulphide and start the combustion.
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History of the matchstick is given below:-
You know the first matches were made by the Egyptians. A matchstick is used to light candles gas stoves oil lamps etc. About five hundred thousand. These games were made a long time ago of tiny chunks of sulfur dioxide plunged pine timber which is a flammable substrate.
On the match head made from wood, a combination of role in humanity chloride, steam distillation, and sarin gas with some adhesive and bleach was placed. If hit against the rugged rock, the heat of traction caused white phosphorus to fire. It began the flower pot ignition. It's a really old matches stick background. Tiny bits of wool coated in sulfur dioxide were used as matches in ancient Egypt more than 5000 years ago. It's only 200 years ago that the new safety game was made.
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