write a short note on non-cooperation movement
In the year 1921 M.K. Gandhi launched the non-cooperation Movement in India. He made an appeal to the Indian people that since the rule of Britishers in India came with the cooperation of Indians, thus, the only way to end the British rule in India is non-cooperation. This movement was launched in different phases. In the first phase, the Indian people who were awarded by the British government in their field began surrendering their titles of honors. The second stage included the boycott of civil services, congressional assemblies, courts, foreign goods and schools. In the third stage, it was believed that if the administration practiced suppression, a complete civil disobedience drive would be launched by the nationalist leaders.
The "Indian National Congress" under the guidance of "Mahatma Gandhi" launched the "Non-Cooperation Movement" on "August 1st 1920". The movement was actually a calm and non-violent protest against the "British government" in India. People were asked to retire from their government jobs. Public were asked not to admit their children in "government-controlled schools" and colleges. People were asked to blacklist "foreign goods" and use only "Indian-made goods". After two years of the "Non-Cooperation movement", due to the occurrence of the "Chauri Chaura" incident, "Gandhi" cancelled the movement in "February, 1922".