Write a short note on the interaction among the component of agro ecosystem
Farming system is an integrated set of activities that farmers perform in their farms
under their resources and circumstances to maximize the productivity and net farm
income on a sustainable basis. The farming system takes into account the components
of soil, water, crops, livestock, labour, capital, energy and other resources, with the farm
family at the centre managing agriculture and related activities.
The farming system conceptually is a set of elements or components that are
interrelated which interact among themselves. At the center of the interaction is the
farmer exercising control and choice regarding the types of results of interaction. The
income from cropping alone from small and marginal farm is insufficient now to sustain
the farmers’ family. A judicious mix of any one or more of these enterprises with
agronomic crops. Should complement the farm income and help in recycling the farm
residues / wastes. The selection of enterprises must be based on the cardinal principles
of minimizing the competition and maximizing the complementary between the
enterprises. Of late, the researchers on multi disciplinary approach greatly realized and
started developing the various farming systems models in accordance with the agro-eco
systems zones. Since 1978, both scientists, extensionists, anthropologists, social
workers, administrators have been publishing many articles on FSRE in different
Simmonds in 1984 clarifies the Farming System Approach as follows: It is an academic
activity comprising of theory, concepts, principles, approaches etc. It creates an
opportunity for developing diversified models for different type of farmers and different
category of farmers. New farming system approach models could be developed by
means of on farm research and extension. It causes consequential a complex change
which demands for Government interventions for farming systems development
BIGGS (1985) explained the concept of FSA as follows: it is a problem solving approach
for the farmer. Farming system approach requires commonly homogenous type of
farmers. It is an inter-disciplinary approach. It is a participatory and bottom up
planning. It requires on farm trials. It depends on the concept learning by doing and
farming system approach needs socially desirable technologies.
Thus the concept of Farming System Approach can be summarized as it is a holistic
approach, complex in nature, interrelated of components, matrix of soils, plants,
animals, power, implements, labour, capital and other inputs, influenced by political,
economic, institutional and social forces.