write a short note on the rich flora plants in Nagaland
Nagaland lies in the 10th distinct bio-geographic zone under one of the identified 18 Mega hot spot in the world with reference to threats to biodiversity. It has the finest Tropical, Subtropical Evergreen forests and a unique Broad leaved Moist Temperate forests. The floral vegetation and fauna elements represents the transition zone of Indian, Indo Malayan and Indo Chinese bio-geographic region. Many ancient angiosperms & primitive flowering plants are present and the area is considered as a cradle of flowering plants. It is also the Center of origin of some rice variety and secondary origin of citrus, chilly and maize etc.
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Rich Flora Plants in Nagaland
Peren District is rich in natural vegetation. It enjoys the distinction of being one of the few places in Nagaland where virgin forests are still found.
Sub-Tropical Mixed Forest characterized by broad-leafed evergreen trees and deciduous trees abounds. In an area of 50 square meters there occurs as much as 20 to 30 different varieties of trees. The main/dominating species in the high altitude are such as Bonsum, Gogra, Alder, Oak species and locally known Nzam, Ngui, Ncinlei, Ndia, Nkia bang, Telim, Teirekakchi ching, Hekeuchi ching, Henap ching, and Chinghei ching. Also occurs wild cherries and wild apples, wild lemon, wild banana, wild walnut, wild fig, varieties of edible plants 2° and leaves, and cane and reed at selected places. At the foothill, Gomari, Holloc, Koroi, Mesua, Tita-Chapa, Neem, Wild Mango, Amla and Bamboo species are the dominant species. Varities of shrubs, herbs -many with medicinal values, climbers, ferns and grasses including the locally called Langtanhei, Heitik, Hemunchi, Muentikchi bang, Tonglalachi bang, Mbau, Beiria, Tapohei, and Retim comprise the undergrowth. Parasatic plants, locally known as Nrembang, having the characteristics of banyan tree also occurs in patches. Of recent, plantation species such as Pine species, Eucalyptus, Teak, Gomari and Silver Oak has become a part of the vegetation. The forest is also rich in orchid. Of the more than 100 species found, Blue Vanda, Red Vanda, Queen Neclace, Ladies Slippers and Tiger Orchid are the dominant ones. Varieties of bamboo are found in patches throughout the District. There also occurs a rare species of bamboo – finger size and cane – like in structure – believe to be the World’s tallest/longest bamboo in the foothills of Peletkie village along the margins of Tepuiki river and in the ranges of Tesen.
The verdant forest of the District is also home to variety of fauna – a paradise for animals and birds lovers and researchers. Dominant wild animals includes Stag, Bear, Mithun, Sloth, Barking Deer, Mountain Deer, Wild Hog, the rare Pangolin, Elephant, varieties of Monkeys, varieties of wild cats, varieties of Porcupine, Flying Fox, Flying Squirrel, Himalayan Giant Squirrel and other different varieties of squirrels, Civet Cats, snakes, Python, Otter etc. The rivulets and rivers teem with different varieties of fishes and other water creatures, of which trout is rare species.
Dominant birds includes Hornbill, varieties of pigeons including royal pigeon, parrot, mama, mountain peacock, the rare and elusive Blythe’s Tragopan, varieties of jungle fowls, and other varieties of smaller birds.