write a short notes on tools used for sowing seeds
When you plant seeds that grow in rows, such as corn, carrots or radishes, it is good to get the rows straight. Stakes and garden twine are two tools for planting seeds that ensure a straight row. Once you plant the seeds, it is good to identify the rows with plant markers that indicate what seeds are planted where. There are commercial seed markers available or you may prefer to make your own out of tongue depressors or other material.
Seed PlanterSome seeds are so tiny, you wonder who had the eyes needed to count them into the package. Often these types of seeds are pelleted for easier planting. When they are not pelleted, a seed planter is the perfect tool to deposit one seed at a time into the planting hole. The styles vary from a plunger, to a wheel, to a tightly funneled piece of plastic. Some styles accommodate more than one size of seed.
Seed TapeAn alternative to using a seed planter is seed tape. This product contains a certain number of seeds evenly spaced between two strips of paper. Seed tape is often available for carrot, lettuce and flower seeds, among others. The flexibility of the product makes it perfect for circular or curved planting patterns. The tape dissolves with water and allows the seeds to germinate without restriction.
DibbleA dibble is an instrument to make a hole. Commercial dibbles are available that have a thick upper section and tapers down to a point. The tool is often marked in inches along the side to measure how deep the dibble goes into the soil. You can stick the pointed end into the soil at the precise depth needed for your particular seed. If you prefer, you can use a slender dowel rod in the same way. For accurate planting depths, use a ruler to make measurement marks along the side of the dowel.
Hope it helps you!