English, asked by Avantika2020, 1 month ago

Write a short paragraph of 100-200 words an experience in nature that brings you happiness

when you recollect it​

2511472: Nature is made of everything we see around us – trees, flowers, plants, animals, sky, mountains, forests and more. Human beings depend on nature to stay alive. Nature helps us breathe, gives us food, water, shelter, medicines, and clothes.
Avantika2020: I know right a experience it's urgent


Answered by pazhaniakshaiadhi

What are some things in nature that makes you feel happy when you see it?

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What are some things in nature that makes you feel happy when you see it?

Wow I got all excited just reading the question so thank you so much for the A2A User

For a person who is never short for words, each time I try to express my love for Nature I always run short of words and that is something! The best thing about being in communion with Nature is that it's one source of happiness that is always at my reach- I just have to step outdoors for it :)

The Trees,Mountains, the water, the sky, flowers, and sunrise:

The sight of the mountains has always held fascination for me! I'm not really sure what is it about them that makes my heart swell with joy..and I really get it when people say they feel a "call" towards the Mountains and hills..I've always felt it too! Perhaps its the sight of so many trees-the lovely canopy of green as far as the horizon; the majesty of ancient clump of trees densely crowded and their branches closely entwined so as to prevent sunlight from penetrating its dark shade thereby creating such enchanting shadows and allowing the eye to discern only strips of the bright blue sky above.

Of course the mountains kissing the clouds makes for a pretty picture as well!

The resplendence of nature in all her glory can be seen at Sunrise and Sunset. I am particularly fond of talking walks just at the onset of dawn because they pave the way for a beautiful day.

Answered by 2511472


Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

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