English, asked by meghananali3298, 1 year ago

Write a short paragraph on what people should do and should not do on regular basis to maintain good health , hygiene and safety in their lives .


Answered by smartunicorn2768

Hygiene is very important to us. Failure to uphold some level of hygiene can have serious health hazards to us and the people around us. This is because health and hygiene go hand in hand like butter and bread. It is highly unlikely therefore that you can be healthy with poor hygiene. Being social creatures, it is up to us to maintain high levels of cleanliness. And it is not a matter of choice, but our responsibility – just like paying taxes.

Basic hygienic behavior is more effective if it is inculcated from childhood. Children who are taught the value of hygiene, grow up to be hygienically sound adults than those who are not taught from their formative years. Hygienic routines can be introduced into kids’ lives and reinforced continuously, until they are registered into their minds and become part of their lifestyles. Parents should however preach what they do, because children are more susceptible to follow what their parents do than what they say. So, parents have to be role models and lead by example.

Hygiene can be grouped into two, personal and environmental hygiene.

Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene refers to practices that keep our bodies and our immediate environment clean. Most of these practices are done on a daily basis, because of the tendency of our bodies to get unclean easily. When it comes to our bodies, they should be bathed at least once a day with clean water and detergent soap. We should also brush our teeth twice a day- in the morning to have fresh breadth during the day and in the evening, because bacteria are usually active at night when we are asleep.be grouped into two, personal and environmental hygiene.

Environmental Cleanliness

This is cleanliness and reclamation of the environment and is done at the community level. Most people do not indulge in this type of exercise, because they assume the responsibilities of keeping the environment clean to the government, after all they pay taxes, don’t they? While this may be true, it is actually prudent that we do not participate in environmental pollution or degradation, just because we pay the government to clean it. Most people are actually ignorant to the effects of pollution and the risks they pose to the future generations. So, instead of acting selfish, we should put their best interests at heart and live in such a way that the environment is preserved for the coming generations.

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