English, asked by ombhanushali11, 1 year ago

write a short passage on women power in neolithic present and medieval rimes​


Answered by AbhinSreekumar


Women Power in Neolithic present and Medieval Times


Every human society is invariably characterised by social dif­ferentiations. Gender based differentiation is one.The historical analysis of the position of women in ancient India shows that women did not share an equal position with men.

Women were recognised only as wives and mothers. Their position was as subordinate to men. The Indian patriarchal society that dominates the social, political and economic life of people in the country has never encouraged its women in any field, except kitchen!

Social reform­ers thought that social change could be initiated by educating women and bringing progressive legislation. Social evils can be eradicated by raising consciousness and making people sensitive to injustice done to women.

Women in Ancient India

During the Rig Vedic period, it is believed that the position of wife was honoured and women’s position was acknowledged, especially in the performance of religious ceremonies. Education of young girls was considered as an important qualification for marriage.

The wife was respected in her new house. The wife participated in the sacrificial offerings of her husband. However, being a patriarchal system, the women were expected to bear sons since the son performed the last rites and continued the lineage.

During this period, a woman was considered to be a commodity which could be kept on bet and could be sold or purchased. But we also get quite contrary views from Ramayana and Mahabharata. Sita is regarded as one of the five ideal and revered women in India, the other four being Ahalya, Draupati, Tara, and Mandodari. There are references in Mahabharata which reflects that women used to guide men on religious and social questions. It was expected of a good woman to cooperate with her husband in religious pursuits.

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