write a short review (100-150 words) of a short story?
A Surprise win
on the night before the zonal Debate competition after having dinner I went straight into my room for I had no time to waste .everyone was fast asleep but I started practicing for the debate .suddenly my friend Nikita called up to wish me good luck for the competition .as she lived in Australia we don't meet a fun and had a lot of things to share .we kept on chatting till 3 a.m. after hanging up I tried to get some sleep but the nervousness kept building up .I was worried if I would be able to do well and live up to the Expectations of my teachers and family .soon the sun rose and it was time to make a move .everyone at school wished me well which motivated me a lot .I took a deep breath and removed all the doubts I had. it was my turn to face the audience .I started with confidence and voiced my opinion clearly .everyone seemed to be impressed but it was too early to accept victory .it was a talked call as everyone performed well but the surprise come when my school was announced as the winner .my happiness knew no bounds when I rise the trophy in Pride on behalf of my school.