English, asked by Anupam812, 1 year ago

Write a short story about 'Nothing Lasts Forever' [Class 10]


Answered by wajahatkincsem

Nothing lasts forever is a true phrase


  • Everything is this world is temporary and will end eventually
  • The human life is not certain and one day everyone has to die
  • The emotions (anger, fear, happiness, and sadness also don't last forever.
  • The emotions and things keep on changing with time.
  • The relations and close people also eventually leave

See a relevant question here:

What is the negative " Man is mortal "​


Answered by maharshipathak999

lot has been written about the ephemeral nature of life and everything in it.

To live without being affected by this truth of life, comes easily to us, at least in the early years and such ignorance is blissful, as otherwise we will lead a life full of stress and ambiguity, with no eagerness, interest, hope or meaning.

As otherwise everything that comes up before us, be it an opportunity or chance, will incite only one feeling – what’s the point? It won’t last. A lot depends on, how we view this unchanging reality of life. Some believe it makes our life hopeless, and some think it’s the same thing that makes it magical.

Nothing lasts, but it also means nothing remains. If we think deeply, it may mean many things – Nothing remains, everything changes, everything transforms or evolves, pain ends and pleasure returns, so on and so forth.

Tip is that you recreate it and use grammarly app it's very helpful

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