English, asked by BrainlyHelper, 1 year ago

Write a short story in about 200 to 250 words using the clues given below. Also give a moral to the story.
A rich merchants only son gets into Bad Company- man advises son to give up Bad Company but in vain - brings a basket of apples - has a rotten apple put in the basket - all episode in a day - rich man's advice - moral.
(Class 10 ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE Sample Question Paper)


Answered by nikitasingh79
Once there lived a rich merchant who had a son. As the sun grew up he began to move in bad company of friends. He spend money recklessly and develop bad habits of the smoking and drinking. The Merchant was very shocked to know about this. The merchant and his wife advised their son many times to give up this bad company and bad habits but the boy did not hear his parent's advice.

One day a merchant bought a basket of fresh apples to his home. The boy wanted to eat them, but his father said,”I will give you all these apples tomorrow.” Without telling the boy the Merchant gave him a rotten apple and said ,”Place it among the other apps and put the basket in the kitchen.”The boy did so.

The next day the Merchant asked his son to bring the basket from the kitchen. The boy was very surprised to see that all the apples had become rotten. The Merchant now had a chance to give his son some good advice. He said,” My son just one rotten apple has spoil the whole basket of apple; similarly one bad boys spoils many good boys. Therefore you should avoid Bad Company.” It had the desired effect on the boy and he gave up a bad company for Forever.

Moral of the Story: A black sheep infects the whole flock.

Answered by AkanshSaini
There was a merchant living in a huge village. He was a reputed person their. His only son Vasu gets into Bad Company ,his son started stealing money from home and started partying with the new comp if his. He started drinking adultrated drinks and became very careless. His company led him to be in vain. The merchant being a learned man thought of an idea ,he brought a basket of apples and one was a rotten one ,he placed that rotten one between all of them and asked his son to take care of those. His son watched them or the whole day and slept in the night ,The very next day when he woke up father called him to his place and showed him the basket. The basket was having all the apples rotten and merchant questioned his son how did it happened? His son got struck as he didn't had any idea that how did it happened! Merchant replied calmly that i put a rotten apple between all of these fresh and red apples ,but it doesn't took much time for them to get rotten. He said Dear Vasu this is exactly similar to what is happening with you , you are a fresh apple but you are getting rotten because of your company of rotten ones. He asked his son to change his company and be a good person in his life.

Moral :A good company is a blessing and a bad is like a basket of apples having one rotten one
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