English, asked by aaryanbansal7753, 9 months ago

Write a short story on abdul becomes a courtier lesson std 7


Answered by presentmoment

A story on Abdul become a courtier:  

This is the story of “The Book of Courtier”, which says how the courtier should be. People of the same age group gather near a playground. The topic of discussion was how should a courtier be. Abdul felt that courtier should be like a friend, philosopher, and guide.  

He should be knowledgeable so that he can rise to any given situation. Another quality that Abdul felt that the courtier should possess is humor. He feels courtier should be entertainers and must be equipped with dance and drama too.

Answered by mindfulmaisel

Abdul becomes a Courtier

Once upon a time in the city of Baghdad lived a poor little boy called Abdul. He was so poor that his parents couldn’t afford to send him to school. Instead with a big sack he had to go out every morning to collect discarded paper. But Abdul had a great zeal for learning. So off he went to the village school where he sat on the veranda and listened to the teachers teach.  

Abdul was so intelligent that he soon picked up all the lessons and got the job of the library clerk. He read voraciously. His dream was to be the king’s courtier someday. His erudition reached the king and he was summoned at court. After a long interview he was assigned the job of a hen-keeper. A little saddened at not being appointed as a courtier Abdul still took up the job.  

His knowledge had taught him that Work is Worship. He kept the hens with dedication. His wisdom had taught him what food was best for them. Soon he got all the leftover food of the palace and made a mesh of it. This was fed to the hens. Soon their growth increased and the palace poultry was filled with healthy eggs and meat.  

The king was very happy with his work and promoted him to be the royal book keeper. There also Abdul worked miracles. He dressed each book in a rich velvet or satin jacket. He got these from the discarded gift wrappers that were used to wrap the presents gifted to the king. The king was delighted at Abdul’s policy of ‘Waste not Want not’. He made him his chief courtier. Thus out of sheer hard work and intelligence Abdul rose from rags to riches.      

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