write a short story with title in which a prince,a faithful dog and a snake played an important role
Think a thousand times before you act!!
Denmark the beauty of ice sheets had a prince with a heart as pure as gold.
The prince was intelligent and cared for his subjects. Once he was on a walk in his state. He saw a basket caring a beautiful baby with it in a corner of the old Church's wall. The prince showed the mercy that any god's man would show and took the baby to his palace. He tried his best and gave baby the ever best service.
Prince had a faithful dog who was much more to prince then just being a pet. Prince appointed the dog as a gaurd of baby. In the meanwhile taking care of the baby prince got emotionally attached to the baby and made a decision to adopt him.
Once again at a beautiful evening arrived when the prince was on a walk in his town. But when he returned to his palace and went in the child's room he saw blood spilled on the threshold. The dog came out of the room with blood on his mouth. Prince thought that his faithful dog a good friend betrayed him and killed his baby. Prince took his sword and ripped of head of dog. He went and saw that the child was playing in the cardle and a snake was lying dead near him.
Prince understood the whole matter and had a regret of his deed with him for rest of his life.
it should be in narrative writing
i was looking same story in narrative writing