English, asked by shreyanshchandra4545, 3 months ago

Write a small story to explain”Loyalty and Faithfulness”.(You can site some examples of our pet animals.) just 100 words story is enough.​


Answered by charitharthreddy

Answer:Naomi, through her difficulties, loosing her husband and both children, even through her bitterness at times still saw God’s goodness. During her toughest days she stayed committed to God. In turn Ruth said, “I will go wherever you go and live wherever you live. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.” Ruth followed Naomi’s example of commitment. What a great example that our actions impact those around us.

Ruth was selfless in her commitment. She committed to stay by Naomi’s side in spite of her own life. Ruth is a great example of faithfulness, commitment, loyalty to God and family. God blesses that faithfulness. In the end we see that God restored Ruth’s life with a family. She was the great grandmother of King David, which put her in the lineage of Jesus Christ. God is amazing at restoring and using any and every situation for His greater good. This story should give us all such hope in our dark days!

Maybe your facing some dark days in your personal life. I can tell you, it’s easy to get distracted by what’s going on around us. I’ve seen some dark days this past year and the Lord has had to remind me, stay focused. Stay focused to staying committed. So much changed in my life in one year, everything was changing and I needed to stay focused. It has been a struggle at times. I’ve had to be intentional about staying focused and committed. Through it all I have truly learned what is important. God and Family, not much else matters. It has taught me during difficult seasons in my/your life stay focused, no matter what happens. He must come first in our life. We must trust that He knows best and although we can’t see the outcome of our situations, He does.

First, we must be committed to God and second, committed to family. Be there for your family. Our families need us and we need them. Naomi and Ruth needed each other. God is looking for mighty women of God that will not be broken when tough times come, when the storm rages we need to be women that cling to the One that can and will calm the storm. Let’s get back to being the women, the wives, the mothers, the daughters, the daughters in law we’ve been created to be.

Think and pray..How can I become more committed to God? Is there something I need to give up to become more committed? How can I become more committed to my husband, my kids, my family?

I challenge you to take the month of January off from distraction, social media or anything that takes your time and distraction from God. Spend more time with Him daily, seeking Him, listening to His voice. Ask Him those questions and see what He reveals to you. I’m always excited to see what God reveals to me during this month with Him. If you join me in this please drop a comment and let me know your committed for January and I will add you to my daily prayer list.

I love you ladies and look forward to us all becoming the women, the wives, the mothers, daughters that God created each of us to be.

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